A unique compilation of holistically themed health explorations and philosophical essays intended to help readers develop new insights and to facilitate transformation. A blend of philosophy, psychology, medicine, sociology, and spirituality by an integrally informed metaphysician. Revised and updated with new content in this second edition.
This short book expands upon material introduced in Dr. Acquista’s groundbreaking self-help guide, “Pathways to Health — An Integral Guidebook”. Both books present Integral Theory concepts and their application to health in easy-to-understand language. Filled with insights to help promote personal growth, to achieve higher levels of health and well-being, and to develop an Integral Life Practice… Order ebook here
Narrated chapters from this book: FORGIVENESS and PEACE
Note this is the 2nd Edition, available in print and ebook
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Pathways to Health–An Integral Guidebook presents a more comprehensive conceptual framework from which to view health and provides readers with tools and techniques to achieve a state of greater wellness. Dr. Acquista takes self help to a whole new level using an easy to follow approach that goes beyond traditional and integrative methods.
The intent of this guidebook is to lead readers to a new understanding of illness and wellness and to explore options which will improve their health. From this vantage point, readers complete an individualized map of their health and an action plan to achieve their personal goals for improved health and well-being. Pathways to Health–An Integral Guidebook offers readers the potential for genuine insight into their own health and the opportunity for profound healing in a truly holistic way. The Map Your Health Mission Designer provides a self- designed unique overview of health and clear steps to follow in order to travel to place of better health… Order here