10/7/23–Book Signing at multi-author event
I’ll be among 21 authors available to sign books at the Deerfield Beach Historical Society.
Details: https://deerfield-history.org/oct-7-deerfield-beach-writers-festival/
8/19/23–REVELATION is a 2023 Silver Falchion Award Finalist for Best Action Adventure
6/24/23–REVELATION wins Best New Age Fiction in 2023 International Book Awards!
Interview on Conversations That Make a Difference:
Conversations That Make a Difference
Interview on The Evolved Caveman Podcast on the topic of Reconciling Science and Spirituality:
Interview with Zen Benefiel on “One World in a New World”:
2/04/23–I’ll have seven different titles at a booth for this event to be held in the town center. Stop by and get a personalized, autographed copy. I’ll also have a limited number of themed T-shirts featuring the outstanding cover image of my novel, Sentient.
10/03/22–The German language edition of Sentient is now available in ebook. Print version will be out soon.
10/03/22–Recent radio and podcast interviews:
1/20/22–Exciting news about Sentient, my debut novel:
A German language translation is now under development by a foreign publisher.
Sentient is now a quarterfinalist in the 2022 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book competition. Semifinalists will be announced next month.
This novel is currently on Coverfly’s Red List at #15 Sci-fi Book/Manuscript in the past year.
10/26/21–Zoom discussion with Literary Divas Book Club to converse about Serpent Rising.
8/17/21–Book signings and more at Books and Brews, hosted by Oil Well Craft Beer. I will be the featured author. More info: Event Listing
6/19/21–I am pleased and honored that my novel, Serpent Rising, has been selected as the winner in the category of New Age Fiction in the 2021 International Book Awards competition.
5/4/21–FB Zoom event with the Escondido Writers Group: Escondido Public Library event listing
1/12/21–I’m pleased to share that my novel, Serpent Rising, has made it through the first round of The Chanticleer International Book Awards Blue Ribbon Competitions and has been Long Listed for the Somerset Awards. More info here: CIBA contest long list
12/18/20–Interesting read: THE STORY BEHIND THE BOOK
12/17/20–Special feature combined interview and video narration for WormholeRiders News Agency
12/15/20–Thought provoking interview for THE WRITERS LIFE
12/9/20–Guest blog post for Jazzy Book Reviews: SHAMANISM
12/2/20–In depth interview at BOOKS & BENCHES
10/27/20–BOOKCHAT Interview for Southwest Festival of the Written Word
11/10/20–The audio book version of Serpent Rising has been released! More info here: Audible audiobook
10/20/20–Join me on my upcoming virtual book tour Nov. 18th thru Dec. 18th. Twenty-two different stops on tour. Read through hosts’ reviews of my novel, Serpent Rising, and read my informative guest posts and interesting author interviews. Please drop by and join the fun. All the details are here: Virtual Book Tour Events
9/17/20–Serena Mendez in an exclusive interview: The Protagonist Speaks
8/06/20–Enjoy this publisher sponsored interview: Truth, Myth, and Mysticism
News and Event listings temporarily on hiatus during Florida relocation. Some previous highlights posted below. There are several planned events for 2020 and 2021 so please check back.
Health Wise–Integral Lessons in Transformation received a nice review in the Albuquerque Journal. Read more here
Book signing at Page 1 Books, February 26th. Link here (scroll to middle of page).
I am one of the panelists for the Feb. 19th Writer’s Series. The Jean Cocteau Cinema is the epicenter for science fiction and fantasy in Santa Fe. The theater is owned by George R.R. Martin, author of Game of Thrones. Hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, the event will be live streamed on FB and Persiscope. Link here Facebook event
This event went really well. Giving a big shout out of thanks to the Jean Cocteau Cinema for hosting the event and now showcasing my books in their bookstore!!
Host Matthew Bronson interviewed me on 11/15/16 for ABQlive.TV. Program will air Monday, Nov. 21st. Will post link when active.
Here is the audio link for the interview: http://abqlive.tv/kupr-999-fm-interviews.html
Great interview posted 11/15/16 on the SouthWest Writers site: http://wp.me/p4gVD7-1J8
Dr. Acquista will be interviewed for Chapter One Podcast on November 17th. Listen to him read the first chapter of his epic science fiction novel, Sentient, and be interviewed by the show’s host, Demethius Jackson.
Dr. Acquista will present a talk entitled, “Socially Conscious Science Fiction” at the Anasazi Fields Winery on December 4th from 2:PM – 4:PM. Join him for an informative talk, snacks, scoob themed drink specials, book signing, T-shirts and more.
–WOW! We had a great time at this presentation and book signing. ATTEN ETTEN AYASTEN!